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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:11 pm 
Soft Body Baits Moderator
Soft Body Baits Moderator
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I welcome anyone to check this womans credentials because you will find that everything she has written in books and articles are all true. If we continue to sit back and do nothing, what she explains here will happen. If your willing to take on the responsibility copy and forward it to everyone you know that is not a member of this site. All of our families in America going to be involved if we read but don't react. Write your congressmen and women and your Senators and being the demise of the ACLU that is removing GOD from our Country and our lives. The Muslims are using the ACLU to take our Christian beliefs away. The time has come to step up. If you don't believe me just take really good look around your neighborhoods.

Subject: Fwd: Scary.........don't delete till you read

For those of you with children and grandchildren, this should be VERY IMPORTANT.

Begin forwarded message:

Worth the read.Joys of a Muslim Woman

20 years from now, I will be in Heaven

This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim.

This is not hearsay, and it may scare the life out of you.
Make sure you read the paragraph (in red) towards the end.

Joys of Muslim Women
By Nonie Darwish

In the Muslim faith a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old and have sexual intimacy with this child, consummating the marriage by 9.
The dowry is given to the family in exchange for the woman (who becomes his slave) and for the purchase of the private parts of the woman, to use her as a toy.

Even though a woman is abused she can not obtain a divorce. To prove rape, the woman must have (4) male witnesses.
Often after a woman has been raped, she is returned to her family and the family must return the dowry. The family has the right to execute her (an honor killing) to restore the honor of the family. Husbands can beat their wives 'at will' and he does not have to say why he has beaten her.

The husband is permitted to have (4 wives) and a temporary wife for an hour (prostitute) at his discretion.

The Shariah Muslim law controls the private as well as the public life of the woman.

In the West World ( America ) Muslim men are starting to demand Shariah Law so the wife can not obtain a divorce and he can have full and complete control of her. It is amazing and alarming how many of our sisters and daughters attending American Universities are now marrying Muslim men and submitting themselves and their children unsuspectingly to the Shariah law.

By passing this on, enlightened American women may avoid becoming a slave under Shariah Law.
Ripping the West in Two.
Author and lecturer Nonie Darwish says the goal of radical Islamists is to impose Shariah law on the world, ripping Western law and liberty in two.

She recently authored the book, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law.

Darwish was born in Cairo and spent her childhood in Egypt and Gaza before immigrating to America in 1978, when she was eight years old. Her father died while leading covert attacks on Israel . He was a high-ranking Egyptian military officer stationed with his family in Gaza .

When he died, he was considered a "shahid," a martyr for jihad. His posthumous status earned Nonie and her family an elevated position in Muslim society.

But Darwish developed a skeptical eye at an early age. She questioned her own Muslim culture and upbringing.. She converted to 'Christianity' after hearing a 'Christian preacher' on television.

In her latest book, Darwish warns about creeping sharia law - what it is, what it means, and how it is manifested in Islamic countries.

For the West, she says radical Islamists are working to impose sharia on the world. If that happens, Western civilization will be destroyed. Westerners generally assume all religions encourage a respect for the dignity of each individual. Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world.

Peace and prosperity for one's children is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually in the world.

While Westerners tend to think that all religions encourage some form of the golden rule, Sharia teaches two systems of ethics - one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Building on tribal practices of the seventh century, Sharia encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and subjugate others.

While Westerners tend to think in terms of religious people developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God, Sharia advocates executing people who ask difficult questions that could be interpreted as criticism.

It's hard to imagine, that in this day and age, Islamic scholars agree that those who criticize Islam or choose to stop being Muslim should be executed. Sadly, while talk of an Islamic reformation is common and even assumed by many in the West, such murmurings in the Middle East are silenced through intimidation.

While Westerners are accustomed to an increase in religious tolerance over time, Darwish explains how petro dollars are being used to grow an extremely intolerant form of political Islam in her native Egypt and elsewhere.

This is the Red Print mentioned we all need to pay close attention to:

(In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. To elect the President by themselves! Rest assured they will do so... You can look at how they have taken over several towns in the USA .. Dearborn Mich. Is one... And there are others...)

I think everyone in the U.S. Should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!

It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful. Some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam.. the peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion. While America is getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children the Muslims are planning a great jihad on America .

This is your chance to make a difference...! Pass it on to your email list or at least those you think will listen.

Some of those I'm sending it to WILL NOT!
Put your head back under the covers so you can't see the boogie man!


Life Jackets and Kill switch's save lives! Soft baits catch fish softer baits catch more fish!
I carry a gun cause a cop is to heavy and when seconds count the police are only minutes away!!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:18 pm 
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Thanks for the post SBM, more people need to be aware of the threats of islam. As I'm sure you know , we have a big problem at the top of the heap: a president with islamic roots. He has got to go in 2012. I don't think any of the usuals , Huckaby, Romney etc. can beat him. Hopefully someone will present a fresh face to the race. much like obama did 4 yrs ago. I'm doing some checking into Herman Cain, not endorsing, just learning. Not ruling out Donald Trump either. We need a major shake up from the status quo, and then maybe we can change the direction this country is heading. Keep up the good fight, Thanks, Chuck.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:13 pm 
Soft Body Baits Moderator
Soft Body Baits Moderator
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Thanks for your support Chuck. I try to post any information I can to bring folks up to date on what is going on around them because many people are to busy trying to survive in this economy to really pay attention to what is actually taking place right around their own homes. I have been watching Obama and he is beginning to prepare his run. I can tell by his actions on things taking place right now. The hearing that took place to day pertaining to Muslim Radicalism of home grown folks took place today and many folks were up in arms about it. Mostly the Muslims but also many blinded Americans. Obama stayed clear of it all together. He has also began a move that many folks don't deem suspecious but he remove the hold on the trials at Guantanimo and has allowed the trials to resume. He is making small steps to try and distance himself from the Muslims in an attempt to show that he is An American and supports America. He is going to take more baby steps in the next 90 days to put on a new appearence and hope that Americans see him in a different light. This time he will be going after the White Vote hoping he still has the black vote locked up. He needs to be worried about that because I don't think he has the Black vote he had last round.
Now as far as Huckabee, The people will never put a preacher or Minister in the White House. Mitt Romney does not have the know how to run an effective campaign nor will he find a strong running mate to help him. Trump has money and is well know but not liked by alot of people in general. I don't know how you feel about him but my choice right now and someone I think could clean Obamas crop is Newt Gingridge. He is a very powerful speaker, Knows Government inside and out, was Speaker of the House under 3 Presidents and would be smart enough to pick a very strong running mate. If it came down to his debating Obama he would cut Obama to ribbons in strategic discussions. He has been looking at his options the last month. One great ability he has is he can cross the isle and get Democrats to agree with him on issues. He is liked by many of the old Democrats. I have listened to him speak several times over the years and he speaks with a voice that is strong yet suttle but can get his point across to every level from the poor to the weathiest. He speaks in simple form so everyone can understand him and yes he can be blunt but sometimes thats what it takes. Let me know what your view is on him. again, thanks for your interest. Sometimes I feel like my posts always fall on blind eyes.

Life Jackets and Kill switch's save lives! Soft baits catch fish softer baits catch more fish!
I carry a gun cause a cop is to heavy and when seconds count the police are only minutes away!!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:46 am 
Greenwood Moderator
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The Illegals are all starting to spread out across this country and BIG BROTHER is letting it happen, they are taking our jobs, they control our future and the DAMNED ELECTED ones are sitting on there FAT @sses and letting it happen, cause they either don't give a crap or they don't have a clue about what to do.

Look at the Dumb @ss that took over in South Carolina, Give her staff a raise when she takes office because of the good job they are doing, HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BE DOING A GOOD JOB WHEN YOU HAVE TAKEN OFFICE. Then she wants to cut State Benefits, cut Retirement, and Hell some these people haven't seen a raise in over 7 years. But yet her sorry @ss gives her staff a raise and they haven't done a DAMN thing.

The she wants to turn a non-profit system over to private, the bus system, who the is going to cover that cost are the kids riding the bus going to have to pay or will the tax payers still have to cover the cost?

Sorry but, need to climb back in my cave and turn off this DAMNed Television, Hell I can't afford nothing but an Antenna and Hell Leave up to her and she will pass a bill to charge for that.


Miss Obomber Haley yes @ss get Unsatisfactory, which is below the Damned "F", I give the rest of the sorry @ss group in Columbia or Washington.

PEACE OUT BROTHER! :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:


Keep It Wet! Take One Make One! Hooked On Fishing Not On Drugs! In God We Trust! Happy Trails To You Until we Meet Again!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:15 am 
Soft Body Baits Moderator
Soft Body Baits Moderator
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A Real Eye Opener ...

Informative, and mind

You think the war in Iraq was costing
us too much? Read this:

We have been hammered with the
propaganda that it was the Iraq war and
the war on terror that is bankrupting us.

I now find that to be RIDICULOUS.

I hope the following 14 reasons are
forwarded over and over again until
they are read so many times that the
reader gets sick of reading them. I also
have included the URL's for verification
of all the following facts...1.
$11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare
to illegal aliens each year by state governments.

Verify at: ... enters7fd8
$22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food
assistance programs such as food stamps,
WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

Verify at:
$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on
Medicaid for illegal aliens.

Verify at:
$12 Billion dollars a year is spent on
primary and secondary school education
for children here illegally and they
cannot speak a word of English!

Verify at: ... dt..0.HTML
$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for
education for the American-born
children of illegal aliens, known as
anchor babies.
Verify at ... dt.01.HTML 6.
$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to
incarcerate illegal aliens.
Verify at: ... dt.01.HTML ... dt.01.HTML <http>

30% percent of all Federal Prison
inmates are illegal aliens.

Verify at: ... dt.01.HTML <http>
<http://transcripts/ <http> <http> .." href=

" href="
8." href="
$90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on
illegal aliens for Welfare & social
services by the American taxpayers.

Verify at: <http>

$200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed
American wages are caused by the illegal

Verify at: <http> RI PTS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML
The illegal aliens in the United States
have a crime rate that's two and a half
times that of white non-illegal aliens.
In particular, their children are going
to make a huge additional crime
problem in the U.S.

Verify at: ... t..01.HTML <http> <http>

;Â " href=
11.;Â " href="
During the year of 2005, there were 4
to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that
crossed our Southern Border, also,
as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from
Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds
of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and
marijuana, crossed into the US from
the Southern border.

Verify at: Homeland Security Report:

The National policy Institute estimated
that the total cost of mass deportation
would be between $206 and $230 billion
or an average cost of between $41 and
$46 billion annually over a five year

Verify at: ... tation.PDF
In 2006, illegal aliens sent home
$45 BILLION in remittances to their
countries of origin.

Verify at: http://www/ <http> . <http> <http> <http>

;Â " href= 14.;Â " href="

The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration:
Nearly One million sex crimes committed
by Illegal Immigrants In The United States .

Verify at:
http: // <http> <http>
<; "
" href=
The total cost is a whopping " href=" $ 338.3 BILLION DOLLARS
$338,300,000,000.00 WHICH

Are we THAT Stupid?

Life Jackets and Kill switch's save lives! Soft baits catch fish softer baits catch more fish!
I carry a gun cause a cop is to heavy and when seconds count the police are only minutes away!!

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